Terra Australis, Kita Sando テラ・アウストラリス千北参道
Because I am from the Terra Australis myself I am always interested to see exactly what is being put forward as 'Australian cuisine' here in Tokyo (or anywhere for that matter). I mean, who actually knows what Australian cuisine is these days? Is it the plain English-style food my mother used to cook (when she wasn't cooking something more interesting)? Is it a multi-cultural blend of styles from Europe, the Middle East and Asia that reflects how contemporary Australians eat today? Or, is it a modern, aspirational restaurant cuisine, popularised by the likes of star Aussie chefs Neil Perry and Luke Mangan?
If the answer is the latter, then Terra Australis in Sendagaya, not far from Kita Sando station certainly hits the spot. On a recent Saturday night I went there on a whim, lacking anywhere else interesting to go that had caught my eye. My dining partner and I arrived and were informed that there was only an omakase menu - no mention of a price. But why bother asking I told myself as I was pretty committed at that point! The chef was, some time ago, head chef at Salt by Luke Mangan in Marunouchi, so I could kind of get where we were headed food-wise.
A series of delicious courses followed, accompanied by a South Australia cabernet, and all up the bill was still under 20,000 yen. I felt that this was pretty excellent value.
Beef tartare
Dukkah and olive oil
These scallops were particularly tasty
Strawberry combo
If the answer is the latter, then Terra Australis in Sendagaya, not far from Kita Sando station certainly hits the spot. On a recent Saturday night I went there on a whim, lacking anywhere else interesting to go that had caught my eye. My dining partner and I arrived and were informed that there was only an omakase menu - no mention of a price. But why bother asking I told myself as I was pretty committed at that point! The chef was, some time ago, head chef at Salt by Luke Mangan in Marunouchi, so I could kind of get where we were headed food-wise.
A series of delicious courses followed, accompanied by a South Australia cabernet, and all up the bill was still under 20,000 yen. I felt that this was pretty excellent value.
Beef tartare
Dukkah and olive oil
These scallops were particularly tasty
Sawara with pea sauce
The beef wellington was cut at the table (but our friendly waiter took away the end bits which I wanted to eat!!)
The beef was as good as it looks
Strawberry combo