Quay, Sydney Quay シドニー
Here is some food porn from a recent dinner at Quay, Sydney. The food was mostly very good. The meat was much better than the fish (sorry, I've been spoiled living in Japan). Just mind that you don't ask your waiter to pair wines for you. One (glass) of red set me back $45. It was nice enough but $45 for a glass of Australian wine in Australia?My share of the bill for the menu shown here, with a few glasses of fairly average wine was around $275. (ouch)
Quay is located in Sydney's international cruise ship passenger terminal at Circular Quay.
Braise of pearl oyster, shaved southern squid, lettuce hearts, golden tapioca, lobster velvet (wonder what that is?), oyster cream, pea flowers. Again the conception and presentation is amazing, but the taste didn't set me alive. Couldn't help thinking a Japanese chef should have done this one...
Confit of Suffolk lamb loin, smoked with white carrot cream, fennel infused milk curd, capers, nasturtiums, fennel pollen. Pretty good.
The famous snow egg! This was the white nectarine version and it was nothing short of a taste revelation. Really, I would go just for this...
Preserved wild cherries, coconut cream, chocolate crumble, cherry juice and chocolate sorbet. We didn't really need another dessert, but this was very scrummy!
Tel: (61 2) 9251 5600